We are working on:


Pre-school children
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Our programs and services focus on:

Our Focus Areas

Early Childhood Development (ECD)

Through our ECD Program, support is provided to children, many of whom have been affected by HIV/Aids. During 2019 we collaborated closely with Save the Children to establish the KwaNgwanase ECD Forum. The Forum now has 83 member organizations where knowledge and good ECD practices are The initiative, which will assist to raise the standard of care and teaching practices, is well supported by the many informal ECD operators in our area.

Water Access Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

Most homes do not have running water and there is little understanding of the link between poor hygiene and the spread of preventable illnesses. Many schools also face challenges of access to water which impacts on their hygiene and sanitation standards. Multipurpose is working with 4 schools where 2 children per class have been appointed WASH ambassadors. With training provided by us, these young ambassadors are helping to lead good hygiene practices. Each school now has tippy taps (bottles of soapy water) outside latrines and in each classroom. Children arrive early at school to collect litter and take responsibility for washing their own plates. Kitchen hygiene has improved greatly and the shared responsibility is helping to improve the health standards at these schools and importantly, change mind-sets.

Adolescent HIV Support

This Multipurpose program aims to address the stigma and misconceptions related to HIV. Many adolescents growing up in Kwa-Ngwanase, though born with HIV, do not know their status despite having been on ARV’s for years. Families are reluctant and often feel unqualified to address the topic. Through the program we provide a safe and informed environment to discuss important issues. Our initial workshops are attended by parents or guardians and currently 40 affected adolescents attend the monthly support group workshops.

Teenage Pregnancy Awareness

KZN has some of the highest rates of teenage pregnancy in South Africa. One in every ten women reporting for ante-natal care is under the age of 18. Many young girls fall for older men, many of whom have had multiple sexual partners and are at higher risk of being HIV positive. In our marginalized community, the young girls are often seduced by gifts and empty promises.


Many young girls find themselves pregnant, without financial or emotional support from the fathers. Often also ostracized from their family. To address this tragic situation, our school facilitators run interactive forum theatre in schools across the region. Participating in role play, the children start to understand the power of their decisions and the consequences of their actions.

Life Skills

There is little motivation in a community where almost every adult in your village is unemployed. Through our structured 4-week Life Skills training course we aim to inspire these marginalized youth; to encourage them to return to their studies, secure employment – even volunteering – or to start their own

business enterprise. The course also incorporates practical information such as negotiating relationships and safer sex, dealing with grief and working together to develop their communities. We have trained more than 1000 young people in Life Skills and many of these graduates have gone on to complete schooling, set up initiatives or pursue university degrees.

Small Business Training

With a 50% unemployment rate in the KwaNgwanase area and very little industry, formal employment is hard to find. For many, their lack of formal education is a further hindrance to securing employment. With limited goods and services available in the area, the local people know the demands. Our Small Business Course addresses these issues by guiding students on identifying markets and starting and running a small business. There is a huge demand for this course which is practical and relevant to our community.

Savings and Credit Groups

Having access to credit is vital in any community. For people living in rural communities it enables them to plan for a better future, however bank accounts are not always an option given the high fees and travelling distances to banks. Savings and Credit Groups are proving very effective in some of the world’s most remote and impoverished communities. They are self- governing and are run simply and transparently. Members save together, loan their savings to each other and share the profits. Tholulwazi provides a 3 day training course to groups where they learn the basics of the system and provides materials for tracking and safe-guarding deposits. An important envisioning exercise enables members to set goals – such as how much they want to save and what they wish to spend the saved money on. We have witnessed remarkable results and had an increased demand for training.

Social Justice

This program aims to alleviate the impact of HIV and other debilitating illnesses, as well as poverty on marginalized people by assisting them to gain access to Government social support systems. The program has been designed to improve access to Government support for caregivers of orphans and vulnerable children, the elderly and people living with compromised health and disabilities. With the high unemployment and HIV prevalence in the area, paralegal assistance is one of the most significant forms of sustainable help Tholulwazi can provide to mostly HIV affected orphan families. We offer guidance in the complicated, lengthy process of accessing and applying for grants. The paralegal team also assists with ID photographs, transport and monitoring applications that have been submitted to the Department of Home Affairs.